MPE Certification Scheme

  1. Legal Requirement

The medical exposures elements of the Basic Safety Standards Directive, were transposed into  UK legislation by The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 in England, Scotland and Wales and by The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2018 in Northern Ireland. A key requirement of these regulations is that the competence of Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) is to be recognised by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) which is the competent authority for medical exposures.

DHSC has appointed RPA 2000 to act as the authorised Assessing Body for MPE recognition. The syllabus for Medical Physics Experts is available here.

Any person wishing to act as a Medical Physics Expert must have an MPE Certificate of Competence from RPA 2000 (see details below).

For further background information and an update (as at July 2023) on the current situation regarding MPE recognition, please click here.

  1. Relevant RPA 2000 Documents

The documents that are relevant to any person wishing to apply to be a Medical Physics Expert are listed below.

The following documents provide general information that is applicable to all the Certification Schemes provided by RPA 2000.

Doc. Ref Document Title
 G1 RPA 2000 Operating Procedures
 G2 Information for Applicants seeking Certification or Renewal of Certification under any RPA 2000 Competence Certification Scheme
 G3 Protocol for the introduction and maintenance of Specialist Certificates of Competence
G4 Code of Technical Conduct
G5 Complaints and Disciplinary
G6 Assessment Appeals
G7 Resources and Resilience
 GD2 Consequences of the failure of applicants to meet timescales for the renewal of certification
 GD3 Consequences of the failure of applicants to meet timescales for the provision of further information required by assessors

The following Documents contain information that is specific to the competency scheme for Medical Physics Experts.

Doc. Ref Document Title
MPE 1 Application Form for Initial Certification of Competence to be an MPE
MPE 2 Instructions for Creation of the Portfolio of Evidence 
MPE 3 Audit of MPE Certificate Holders
MPE 4 Guidance for Audit