
RPA 2000 is non-profit making and self supporting. The fees charged are set at a level that is intended to recover costs over any five-year cycle. The standard fees apply to current members of any one of the three constituent organisations (AURPO, IPEM & SRP). Higher fees apply to non-members. The fees are reviewed at least annually.

The fee to gain Initial Certification (by submitting a full portfolio of evidence) or Renewal of Certification (by gaining the requisite number of points under the appropriate Renewal of Certification Scheme) is the same whatever type of certification is required (currently RPA, RWA, LPA and MPE).

Current fees are as follows:

Fee Members of AURPO, IPEM & SRP Non-members
Initial Certification £400 £800
Renewal of Certification £200 £400
Joint RPA/RWA Renewal Scheme £300 £600

Payment Methods

  • Cheques (made payable to RPA 2000).
  • Credit/debit card (Amex not accepted) – please supply the card number with your application and email the expiry date and security code.
  • Bank transfer (please ring 01803 847993 for the details).